
Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have been very down recently. Too many things happened almost at the same time, and too many “coincidences” happened, which made me wonder if all these incidents were just a joke from “fate.” I started to think that maybe it’s all because of me. There’s no reason for me to believe that I deserve a peaceful life since I seemed to be the reason for my own distress. I started feeling pity for myself, and I looked for all kinds of excuses to blame for. I was so negative and hateful, and nothing seemed to be right or at least reasonable to me, nothing, at all. I hate myself, and I hate my life. I was like a beast looking for any possibility to hurt people, including me. I wanted someone to pay for my misery, and I wanted them to experience my pain. I felt that life was so not fair, and I wanted my “justice.” I was like a spoiled brat who thought I was a very important person and I deserve people’s respect. I “empowered” the dark side of me took over my mind, and all I could think of was to revenge and to prove that I could be somebody. I started showing my dark side of personality, and I was so angry most of the time. It feels like nothing can go right at this moment, and I am so alone.

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弟子規 聖人訓 首孝弟 次謹信

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多益口說與寫作測驗 TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test

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多益英語測驗 TOEIC (聽力與閱讀測驗)

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Recently I read an article about not to call your friends when you are upset or angry.

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Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sometimes I look at myself and think: “maybe I deserve to be alone (lonely) without any close friend.”
I have always wanted to have a sister, but that’s not gonna happen.

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Dear James:

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Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I was so upset these days, especially yesterday some stupid things happened at work which was just overwhelming. I was angry, disappointed, and I hated everything, including this world. It felt like nothing can be right and I was living in a broken world.

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Subject: SELF WORTH (Very Deep!!!)

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question: 'What kind of man are you looking for?'

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Dear Mrs. Lee,

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Dear Ben,

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Dear Mr. SM Lim,

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Dear Mr. Jim,

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Hi Jim,

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Dear T.

Good afternoon. 

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Hi Mr. M,

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Dear Mr. K

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Dear Mr. Lee

Good news!!! We are able to reschedule our factory producing process and the shipping schedule. Please see attached updated shipping advice.

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Dear Mr. Lee,

Regarding to your request of shipping date changes, I have to inform you that it might take some effort for me to discuss with our shipping supervisor. On July 27 you have confirmed that you prefer the ETA to be 1st week of September, so I have arranged the shipment, and our factory has already scheduled the producing process.

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Hi Nat,

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Affidavit Letter

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Hi Nick,

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Hi Tim,

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Hi Tim,

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Hi Tim,

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Hi Tim,

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Dear K,

Good afternoon. 

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Every strong woman in history had to walk down a similar path.
It's the strength that causes the confusion and fear.

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Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

英國自由主義思想家穆勒說過: “個人的自由,以不侵犯他人的自由為自由 。”  如果已經侵犯到他人的自由,則這就是假自由。言論自由是自由國家中最難能可貴的自由,卻不代表可以不為自己的言論負責。否則人人都可拿著自由的旗子,到處達伐自己看不慣的事物,造成別人的痛苦,那跟當初十字軍東征有什麼兩樣?

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Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Hi Sharon,

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應朋友要求, 寫上這一篇紐約週末遊
這次去紐約只有四天三夜, 星期五早上到, 星期一下午走

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Rachel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


IgA腎病(IgA nephropathy) 是1968年由Berger首先描述的, 以系膜增生及系膜區顯著彌漫的IgA沉積為特征的一組腎小球疾病。其臨床表現多種多樣,以血尿最為常見。IgA腎病可分為原發性繼發性兩種類型,后者常繼發于肝硬化腸道疾病、關節炎皰疹性皮炎等疾病,也以腎小球系膜區顯著的IgA沉積為特點。原發性IgA腎病在世界許多地方被認為是一種最常見的腎小球腎炎,而且是導致終末期腎衰的常見原因之一,本文主要介紹原發性IgA腎病。



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    美國國家心臟、肺及血液機構主導的高血壓預防、偵測、評估及治療委員會於2003 5月再度對聯合委員會第六次報告的高血壓準則(簡稱JNC 6)作出修定,發表了第七次的高血壓的預防、偵測、評估及治療的報告(The sventh report of the Joint National Committe on prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure(簡稱JNC7)。這次的修定對高血壓的定義和治療有少許的改變。

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今天試的新食譜, 很有趣的一餐,

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簡單又好吃的 Chili soup

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8 片培根

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好久沒有寫遊記了, 這次抽空上來放照片


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Thank you for helping on the issue of OOO’s payment for goods. Although Mr. Chung has orally guaranteed, we still notice that your company has no actual right to deduct any payment from OOO.

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Dear Mr. Huang,

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Dear Bob,

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