She said,
"I need sometime to find myself,
I need a little space to think.
Maybe we should start seeing other people.
Baby, things are moving way too fast for me."
So, I picked up what was left of my pride,
I put on my walking shoes,
and I got up on that high road,
and I did what any gentleman would do...
I, um......
I got a brand new girlfriend.
We went and jumped off the deep end,
flew out to LA for the weekend,
spent the whole day, lyin' on the beach,
wearin' nothin' but a smile,
playin' kissy-kissy, smoochy-smoochy,
talkin' mooshy-mooshy bout nothin'.
man, I think I'm on to somethin',
because I feel just like a kid again.
I got a brand new girlfriend.
I love it when she calls me butter cup,
she laughs and says I left the toilet seat up,
she pops a top for me a cold beer,
and says my buddies always welcome here.
When I get hungry, she takes me out.
I ride the shotgun like a shitzu hound.
my tails a waggin', my tongues hangin' out,
it makes me wanna shout...
I got a brand new girlfriend.
We went and jumped off the deep end,
flew out to LA for the weekend,
spent the whole day, lyin' on the beach,
wearin' nothin' but a smile,
playin' kissy-kissy, smoochy-smoochy,
talkin' mooshy-mooshy bout nothin'.
man, I think I'm on to somethin',
you know i feel just like a kid again.
I got a brand new girlfriend.
cute, cute, cute...
She likes to write our names in the sand.
She's hearing wedding bells and making plans.
She's gonna hang around a while I guess.
And she hasn't even told me she loves me yet.
I got a brand new girlfriend.
We went and jumped off the deep end,
We fly out to LA for the weekend,
spent the whole day, lyin' on the beach,
wearin' nothin' but a smile,
playin' kissy-kissy, smoochy-smoochy,
talkin' mooshy-mooshy bout nothin'.
man, I think I'm on to somethin',
you know I feel just like a kid again.
I got a brand new girlfriend.
She makes me feel just like a kid again,
I got a brand new girlfriend.
這是我來美國開始接觸 country music 之後聽到最最最喜歡的一首歌!
這首歌正紅時也是我開始跟 xx 交往的時候, 每次聽到這首歌心情就會變的非常輕快而且超級開心! 而且還會偷偷把自己角色帶入歌詞裡, 因為 xx 跟我交往時也是剛結束一段很糟的感情, 所以我總覺得這首歌應該算是我們的代表曲吧! (還偷偷計畫將來要是結婚, 這首歌一定要納入婚禮 repeat 個三次! 哈!)
這首歌俏皮的地方在於第一段, 女生說著應該要暫時分開並且開始過自己的生活, Steve Holy 一開始在唱的時候好像很憂鬱小難過, 畢竟女生這樣說了, 他也只能摸摸鼻子離開.... 結果沒想到才剛結束這感情, 馬上就又開始談起新戀愛!
大家都知道, 剛開始談戀愛時那種甜蜜沒有負擔的輕快感非常令人沉醉! Steve 把這種味道完全唱出來了! 一直到現在這首歌還是常出現在 radio 裡面唷! 這首歌就這樣喚起我所有剛開始交往那種 "每天開心的像在飛" 的心情, 超快樂的呢!
Coco 最近心情非常 blue, 複雜沮喪不捨又極力想釋懷...... 我不知道妳有沒有空去看我在雜誌上看到的那篇文章 (Lynn Sherr's Aha! Moment), 但是想跟妳說, 傷心是必要的, 記得要把心裡的痛通通發洩出來, 不需要壓抑也暫時不需要為任何人振作, 請先好好照顧自己的情緒, 才可以照顧別人! 但是當妳需要一點活力讓生活透一口氣時, 記得去聽聽這首俏皮又可愛的 country music 喔!
Always be here for you!