She's a yellow pair of running shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy
She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me
She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
這是一首非常好聽的情歌, 在 radio 裡的播放率很高, 每次聽到這首歌就會不自覺跟著哼唱~
一直想要找這首歌的歌詞放在網誌上, 可是一直忘記... 昨天終於記得了!!
上網找了歌詞, 也找到網路上可以聽歌的地方~
我實在不知道要去哪裡抓歌, 因為真的很怕中毒, 所以都是上網找的...
Brad 把這首歌詮釋得很有一番濃郁的感覺, 用 "濃郁" 形容或許有點怪, 但是整首歌聽完後真的會有幸福甜蜜的滿足感~
歌詞寫得非常深情, 把男人對女人的愛表現在日常生活裡, 這是我喜歡美國鄉村音樂的主因, 歌詞通常都很貼近生活, 很容易讓人想像歌詞中描述的情境!
用心去體會這首歌, 把自己幻想成是歌詞裡的那個 She, 而整首歌似乎就是為自己而寫的!
這種感覺很幸福, 也很溫馨~
很多男人對女人的愛其實都是這麼濃郁的, 但是礙於大男人的 "尊嚴," 他們不太容易表達出自己對女人滿滿的愛
男人始終覺得, 常常把 "愛" 掛在嘴邊, 感覺有點 "娘"~
對男人而言, 用行動證明自己的愛其實是更踏實的!
很多時候要觀察一個男人有多愛女人, 不需要問他, 只需要注意在他跟別人談話時有幾次是談到這個女人
這首歌詞裡幾乎沒有任何一個句子是直接提到 "I love her," 但是卻用其他的方式表現出男人深深愛著這個女人
尤其是在這句 I talk about her, I go on and on and on
可以感受到女人在他心裡佔多大的分量, 尤其當 Brad 在唱這句詞時特別令人感到感情的延續
希望大家有空點去聽聽, 很棒的一首歌!
這首歌我也要獻給好友 mimi, 親愛的, 我一直都在這裡陪著妳!
對很多人而言, you are everything! 對寶貝而言, 你是他的天, 對妳老公而言, 沒有任何人可以取代你在他心中的位置!
而對你的爸媽而言, 你永遠是他們的寶貝女兒
不論生活有多苦, 你要為自己而活, 你要好好愛自己!
你知道, 我愛你, 是你永遠的朋友!
我會陪著你, 一直在這裡~ 所以你一定要好好加油, 勇敢並且堅強, 所有的苦都會過去, 只要你記得你是如此完美的一個女人!
- Jun 26 Tue 2007 14:05
She's Everything